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Responding to place, drawing on decelerated processes like walking and spending time, material play and dialogue.

Leaning into the context and its particular resonances in relation to mediated experience, collapse and connecting to intuition.

Occupying overlaps of time/space, public/intimate and individual/collective and opening a space for dialogue that draws out the plural. I'm trying to find ways to de-centre myself and my voice as an individual, as an artist, whilst also drawing on and naming my own experience. Is this possible?


This work might develop as hyperlocal sharing through image/text installation, print publications, transcripts of polyphonic conversations, performative talks or lectures, or performances with sound composition and violin.  


I'm also currently considering what the outcomes of future people and place-based artistic research might be - are they needed as a visible end product with a name? Can the ongoing work show up invisibly as part of other(s') systems and structures? Can this be enough?

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